Sunday, September 12, 2010
Somethin' to talk about

Wednesday, August 4, 2010
My special friend
Yup, that's right, folks. Not Nelson Mandela, not David Beckham, not even Gene Simmons. My bf of seven years chooses Steve S and Kenny P.
I like where this is headed.
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Tuesday, August 3, 2010
I wonder about $
The book by David Bach, Smart Women Finish Rich, not only changed the way I thought about money but also the way I thought about my life...when I wanted to retire, where I wanted to spend my money and how my personal values related to cold, hard cash.
Since then, I have made budgets, organized accounts and started saving for retirement.
Today I'm trying to figure out if I'm saving too much or too little (although anything more than $0 is better than nothing) and trying to decide if I should rebalance my money habits.
Hopefully I can find a financial advisor to help answer that question!
Wish me luck.
Ps, I'd write more, but I'm blogging from my phone and it's about to die :(
Monday, August 2, 2010
Do you have a bucket list?

Sunday, August 1, 2010

1. My favourite colour is green
2. I will never be a total "greenie", but I try to do small things to help the environment
3. I work in Fort McMurray, Alberta...for an oil company.
4. I think the company I work for is working hard to reduce their impact on the environment.
5. For some ridiculous reason, I make a snap judgement on peoples' financial well-being on how full their gas tanks are when I ride in their cars for the first time (I quickly dismiss it, but I can't lie that it happens).
6. I wish I could get back to being as fit as I was eight years ago
7. I hope one day I can shoot below 90 on the golf course
8. I would hit the links every day if I could. It is one place I can forget about everything else going on and focus on the next shot, the next swing, the next putt.
9. I think there's a giant market for affordable women's golfwear
10. I hope that I can actually post every day for the next month.
That's what you get for now. You can look forward to more of these top 10 lists on days when I don't have anything else to write about.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
All dogs go to heaven

Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sweet little Rhoda

Sunday, May 30, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
House number!
We've had this backboard and the numbers for well over six months now and finally got around to putting it together!
Next step: erect above garage.
Monday, May 24, 2010
New goals needed

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
The place I (proudly) call home

Sunday, April 25, 2010
Kelsey on moving day
After we tell her to get her a$$ moving, this ensues:
Kelsey (in the box): "Scott, help me"
Scott: Kelsey, come on.
Kelsey (struggling): I don't wanna break the box.
Kelsey wiggles around some more and Scott reaches in to help lift her up.
Scott: C'mon Kelsey, show some athleticism!
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Friday, April 9, 2010
Todays affirmation.
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Thursday, April 1, 2010
Fun times in Calgary

Friday, March 26, 2010
Day off leads to amazing discovery

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
An e-mail to my sis
Just wanted to write and wish you a Happy Birthday. I can't believe you're 25. It's astonishing that we have both made it this far without one of us offing the other, don't you think?
It feels like yesterday when I was walking across the parking lot of the Vernon Jubilee Hospital holding dad's hand on the way to meet my new baby sister.

Even though I had wanted a little brother, my heart melted the instant I laid eyes on you. This little 7-pound bundle of cuteness stared back at me and I could hardly wait to get you home and put you in my doll stroller. It was love at first sight.
I remember you growing up. With every year, you became a larger pain in the ass, but you also became an increasingly important part of my life. And, while you've moved from chewing on sticks to chewing people out (only when necessary of course, right?), you are every bit as cute and quirky today as you were when you were three years old, standing in the middle of that puddle donning those snazzy little gumboots and your garbage bag rain coat.
Now, at 25, you carry a Coach purse, curl and coat your eyelashes to perfection every day and still use your charming smile to get you in--and out--of trouble.
I have seen you grow from the little puddle jumper that you were 22 years ago to one of the most beautiful people I know.
There are qualities in you that anyone would envy: your quick wit, your creative spirit, your feisty attitude...and don't even get me started on your ridiculously perfect hair.
In the past 18 months I have welcomed someone important into my life. Someone I didn't always have before. Someone whose value I haven't always appreciated. That someone is you.
More than ever, I am thankful I can call you my sister and my friend. I know sometimes you probably feel like some kind of crazy experiment, but I want you to know that as much as I try to teach you, I try to learn from you.
Kelsey D*wn, you have taught me a lot in the last year and a half and for that, I am grateful. Keep doing what you're doing and you will get where you're going.
Let me be one of the first to wish you the happiest of 25th birthdays.
I love you.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Do you draw the line?

Back in time

Picture from here.
While I pictured myself working in a corporate environment, likely in oil and gas, I don't think I ever would have pictured myself in Fort McMurray. But, I can say this has been one of the best decisions I've made.
I have formed some of the greatest friendships here that I never would have had an opportunity to form if I'd stayed in Vernon or moved from Vernon back to the city of Calgary like I thought I might do. Truly, I have formed some of the greatest friendships since being in this quirky city.
While I was in school, this particular coworker and I were classmates. We were acquaintances, but certainly didn't have regular interactions and we were never placed on the same project team. Five years later, I sit beside her in meetings and consider her one of the most savvy and smartest people I know.
Beyond being coworkers though, she truly is a friend. We vent to each other when we have a rough day at the office and we indulge in a glass of wine (or two) when it's time to set the computers aside and enjoy a little social time. I stayed at her house and watched her dog as she and her now-fiance vacationed in a tropical locale at the end of last year and I would trust her to do the same for me if I ever needed a similar favour.
It's funny how you grow as the years pass by. The qualities we admire in people and look for in friends change. I recently received a handwritten note card from a close friend back home who said she missed our "car rides". The same car rides we would take, just the two of us, to talk about what was going on or seek advice from the other when we needed it.
It's an interesting place to be as I form friendships with new people and have a chance to reflect back on the friends from elementary and high school years. No one will argue the fact that those friendships of the past have changed. We have all grown up, we have changed, we have fallen out of touch and each of us has had experiences that have re-shaped our outlook, feelings and beliefs.
But, there are still those old friends you know who you can always count on when you're feeling sad...or mad...or glad. I am grateful for them, especially for those with whom I've had some chance to start rebuilding a close friendship, and I'm thankful for the new friendships which have brought new perspective, knowledge and outlook to my life.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Image shamelessly borrowed from here
Now, all I can hear are the bloop bloop bloop noises from sliding down tunnels (or green garbage cans as I used to think they were) and the profane sentiments Kels and I were tossing out as we fell victim to sneaky ghosts, bony fish and ticking timebombs.
For the record, I don't recommend taking the "just one more level" approach if you're sitting down to play Super Mario Bros. Three hours and several brain cells later, I'm hitting the sac.
Tie a bow on me, I'm done!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Resolution update
Well, it's now February 4 and I've missed three days of half marathon training. A great start hey?
In honesty, I could reduce it to back to two if I exercise on Saturday which is normally the only day off in the whole week, but for some reason, I just don't see that happening at this point.
I'm thinking I better create a new resolution for February.
For those of you who don't recall, I was struggling to come up with a single resolution for 2010. So, I decided I would create one resolution a month for the entire year. The idea is that whatever resolution I come up with for one single month will end up becoming a habit and follow me through the rest of the year.
A pretty genius idea, hey?
I would love to write more tonight, but my eyelids are falling over top of my eyeballs and my fingers are making way too many mistakes on the ol' keyboard.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Above and beyond? Or just the call of duty?
I know some of you who read this blog work 12-hour shifts and I want you to know I'm not complaining about pulling a 12-hour day. There are plenty of other people who work days far longer than 12 hours.
In fact, this post is just the opposite of complaining - I was actually completely okay with putting in a few extra hours. That's because I'm grateful to have an employer that allows me to enjoy a somewhat flexible working arrangement. Unlike other jobs, me and my coworkers are not completely tied to a punch clock. Plenty of days we're there before our official days begin and on plenty of days we're there long after the buses have departed with the rest of the workforce.

Are there times when we're out of the office at 4 p.m.? Or times when we have to zip out in the middle of a work day to get our braces adjusted? Yup, there sure are. But, those times are definitely balanced out by the time that we put in on call, going in early and staying late. Or, answering calls and hammering out presentations and project plans on the weekends.
To me, staying a few extra hours every now and again isn't really about going "above and beyond the call of duty", it IS the call of duty. It's not about counting hours, it's about getting the job done.
When special projects and tight deadlines require you to work a little harder, or a litter longer than normal, workers who feel loyal to their employer, engaged in their positions and who feel like they're making a difference won't hesitate to step up.
If you're a small business owner, think about the flexibility and employee experience you offer to your front line workers.
If you're a front line worker, are you concerned with the hours you put in every day, or more concerned about doing your job well to help your employer, and ultimately yourself, succeed?
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Go together like a horse and carriage...

Monday, February 1, 2010
Attempt #2: NaBloPoMo
Over at http://www.nablopomo.com/ they assign a theme to help you collect your thoughts and hammer something out on the screen when you're faced with the inevitable writer's block mid-month.
This month's theme? Ties.
In February, I'm tying this blog to my ass and dragging it wherever I go. Whether I'm spending the week in Calgary, hunkered down in my abode here in Fort McMurray, or skiing the Rocky Mountain slopes, I will post every single day this month. Excited aren't cha?
I will also try incorporating some form of the word 'tie' into each post...just for a little splash of challenge.
And with that, I'm bending down to tie on my blogging shoes 'cause baby, I'm ready to roll.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Writer? Blogger? Poser?

Sunday, January 24, 2010
Good setup, bad interior design
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Friday, January 22, 2010
A favourite place
Even if I have no intention of buying anything, I can spend hours in the store looking through all stuff, both pretty and practical. I'm a sucker for sophisticated note cards, eye-catching leather-bound journals and shimmery, feminine photo frames.

Today I wandered in, ordered my grande skinny london fog and just strolled through the store, once, twice, probably three times and each time I found something new that caught my eye.
Not only do I admire the store for the items I want for myself, but I can find gifts in that store for almost every important person in my life. Today I wanted to buy wedding planners for newly-engaged friends, baby journals for those pregnant with their first children and pretty, scented candles as a "just because" present for my little sis (sorry, Kels, I left them on the shelf...but it's the thought that counts, right? :S)
Anyhow, if you've never taken the time to appreciate a bookstore in all its splendor, the next time you drive by that big Indigo sign, swing in, grab a cup of joe and float through the aisles taking it all in.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
When you grow up

Sunday, January 10, 2010
Resolutions, resolutions, resolutions
Speaking of goals, it's resolution time. Well, it's actually passed resolution time, but I just can't seem to settle on a few goals that make sense and that I'm willing to commit to right now. It's causing me some stress, but I'm trying to settle on goals that are achievable, make sense for the long term and that I'm ready to throw up here for all of you to read.

I think the other thing I'm struggling with is the fact 2010 is the start of a brand new decade. That seems big. It seems like the kind of thing that calls for some big resolutions, possibly ones that span the decade. Hmm...I wonder what I want to accomplish by 2020. Actually, as my mind starts to ponder this, I'm freaking out, so I'm going to stop those thoughts right now.
There are lots of thing I want to do in 2010: running the half marathon in Red Deer in May, completing NaMoBloPo, setting up a proper emergency fund, learning more about finances, shedding some pounds, reading books (specifically, Half the Sky, Three Cups of Tea and a few other fictional books on my list). But, these goals seem mundane. I have to settle on a few more long term goals and then break them down so that my 2010 resolutions are contributing to some greater long-term plan.
A plan for a plan. Hmm...sounds Type A-ish to me. No?
I'll have to settle on my final resolutions sometime soon, or else they'll become 11-month goals. Maybe my resolution should be: become less indecisive. Or become more "fly by the seat of your pants"ish. Unfortunately, I think both of those are unattainable, so they're off the table.
Seeing that I can't come up with my own resolutions, I'll ask you folks: any ideas for some great resolutions? What were yours?