Monday, August 2, 2010

Do you have a bucket list?

Ever since The Bucket List came out, it seems like everyone has one. Or, if they don't, they've at least given some amount of thought to the things they may want to do before they die.

I've started a Life List...same idea as a bucket list. One day I'm sure I'll share it on here so that I can let everyone see how I'm making progress, but for now I'm just going to keep it to myself.

But, having a physical list makes me more likely to work toward the things on that list. If all we did was try to keep all of that stuff in our heads, we'd forget about the items on the list and we'd be less likely to actually achieve them.

If you haven't physically written them down, I encourage you to do so. Throw it in a notebook and keep it in your nighstand, or start a list on your smartphone.

I hope my Life List keeps growing and shrinking for the rest of my years.


Annette Renee White said...

Bucket Lists Rock!! I know that mine has completely changed my life. Good luck with your adventures.

Nick said...

The first thing on my Bucket List is to actually write a Bucket List.