Saturday, December 5, 2009

Take that, you southerners

To all of you people who criticize us and call us crazy for living in this "god-forsaken dirthole" of Fort McMurray, I would like to tell you all to stuff it.

As those in the southern part of the province struggle with four-foot-high snow drifts and shutdown highways, we are enjoying (fairly) clear skies. Sure, it's chilly, but it's not unbearable.

Up here, we have come to terms that winter has begun.

We do not cry when it snows three inches (we celebrate that it's not six or eight or ten).*

We do not mope when it's -20 outside (because when the wind hits and it's -20 here, it's actually -30).*

We do not spend the better part of the winter months criticizing our city's inability to clear snow.*

While I can't exactly say we all embrace the winters here--because trust me, they do suck-- we live with them. We know they arrive in November/Decemberish and end in Aprilish.

However, the one great thing about the winters here is that they make you appreciate every single morsel of sunshine and warm weather between May and September. Seriously, few people appreciate summer like the people here.

In the heart of the summer months, it's broad daylight in the wee hours of the morning (I can't tell you how many times I've sat straight up in my bed afraid I was late for work, only to glance at my alarm clock and see that it's 4 a.m.), and it's light out until 11 p.m. (at least). It's nice to be able to start double-header baseball games at 6 p.m. in April on fields with no lights.

Another point I'd like to make is that many people who live here can afford to take a winter vacation to help break up the cold weeks. I know there are many who can't, but it's definitely a perk if you can plan your dollars properly to enjoy this winter indulgence.

So, before I end up ranting about how much I like this place (because, unbeknownst to the rest of the world, I've kind of fallen for it), I'll stop here and tell you all to re-think the next time you want to bash us for living up here.

*denotes the fact I may perform this action in future without any backlash from readers


Nick said...

I will likely never stop bashing Fort McMurray. I'm sorry, but it's just what I do.

I've rethought it plenty of times, sure - like you suggested - but every time I choose to let it happen.

Why? No reason, really, except it's fun to be an asshole, and I know it bugs the Northern Alberta Lundquist Clan to no end.

And that's good enough reason for me. You're welcome.

Anonymous said...

I'm counting sleeps till it's daylight in the middle of the night!!

Nick said...

Hey, I thought you said you'd be back here by baseball season. Liar.

Anonymous said...

1. Winter normally arrives in October and ends in May.
2. We'll take 6" of snow over -30 any day.
1. This place is pretty cool. Ugly people move up the attractiveness scale by 2 points. Incompetent people still make great wages. And yes, aside from a rainy 2009, the summers are usually pretty great.