Tuesday, August 5, 2008


5 p.m. today, the following occurs:

"Ding-dong"...goes the doorbell.

I run downstairs and cautiously open the door to a husky young guy with his back to the door. He turns around and the following conversation ensues:

Guy: "Hey! how are you?"

Me: "Umm...fine thanks. How are you?"

Guy: Good. Are you the queen of the castle?

Me (now realizing this is some kind of salesman): Uhh, I am for today, yeah.

Guy: Ahh, your parents aren't home?

Me: Um. I'm 26, I don't live with my parents.

Guy (now astonished): Oh wow. I'm sorry. You totally do not look 26.

The rest of the conversation eventually results in my declining his "free" carpet cleaning service after he quickly explains that he's paid out of the advertising budget for some steam cleaning company and that the "catch" is that they only do one room. Well, buddy, I rent, so no, you're not cleaning my carpets - despite your attempt at flattery.

Hello!!!! Do I honestly look like I'm a teenager who lives with her parents? No! Although I thank the lord for looking younger than 26, I quickly attribute it to the fact that I have braces. This happens to me all the time at the liquor store now, too.

Just thought I'd share this comical story.



Anonymous said...

Welcome to my world.

I don't think I'd get carded as much as I do either if I could grow a decent beard. As it stands, when I do make such an attempt, it looks like I've taped hair clippings to my face.

You get used to it. I'm gonna look 18 until I'm dead.

Office Glen said...

I think I heard something about a scam going around the Okanagan related to carpet cleaning.

Based on the conversation it sounds like he was a skilled con artist preying on your desire to look young and have clean carpets.

Anonymous said...

Lanette....I've been meaning to speak with you regarding a Boston Pizza comercial...

Miss Money Pants said...

Yessss??? What about it? I've seen it :)