Sunday, November 29, 2009

A slow return

It seems like I just don't have anything interesting to write about...yet again.
I sometimes have these brilliant ideas when I'm out and about, running errands, having coffee, doing work, etc. But inevitably, I come home ready to blog, sit down at the computer, read my BlackBerry notes to see which idea I'm going to write about, and then suddenly, the novelty has worn off and the topics are bland.

This is why it's easier for me to photo-post. I know some of you find these boring and even go through my sister to give me a nudge to write a REAL post, but I guess I just need a little inspiration.

Where should I look for inspiration? The weather? Work? Crazy roommate antics?

I don't know for sure, but I know I'm going to start fleshing out topics that aren't necessarily about the day to day happenings of my life.

I know I've said this before, but if I don't do it now, this blog is going to die a slow and painful death. In fact, I already feel rigamortis setting in.


Cassie said...

You can write about how adorable and funny your littlest cousin is! After Christmas, you'll have lots of proof!

Nick said...

What? Somebody bugs Kelsey to bug you to post more? Who could that be?

I, for one, am shocked.

PS - Don't let the blog die. Enough blogs that I like have already died, and if I have one less to read, I'm gonna actually be forced to do work during the day. Honest to God, Work!

Anonymous said...

I like Grammar Blunders!!!

I should send you a bunch of little gems from a certain someone's "Organizational Announcements" that go out worldwide!!! Two words: SPELL CHECK. FML.