Sunday, September 21, 2008

Bye bye cook, bye bye maid

This past week has been a bit sad for me. I officially lost my maid and my cook when my sister managed to land a job here in Fort McMurray. It took less than a week for her to become an office b*tch who gets paid pretty good money and gets a housing allowance. Upon hearing this, I began to ponder why I spent five years in school.....but that's a whole other story...and I'm not actually complaining, I have a pretty great job.

This weekend we've watched movies (Kelsey forced me into watching various seasons of The Office, promising I would become addicted, and I, in turn, chose a selection which received accolades at the Cannes Film Festival) and we've tried to stick to a healthy eating regime. I've had Kelsey going to AquaFit (Thursday) and playing squash. Yesterday she stammered: "this is the most vigorous activity I've done in a while....or ever."

I have one other funny Kelsey quote. We were discussing a particular wedding of an Enderby native who is a bit hippiesh. I'm looking at the photos and saying: Why are they all wearing scarves? Kelsey pipes up with her educated explanation: "Because! They're all a bunch of teapots". Now, this may not seem as funny to you as it is to me, but let me tell you, it was pretty hilarious at the time.

In other news, Brodie is going to head up to Fort McMurray for Thanksgiving and my birthday (side note: it's October 11 for those of you who are planning to send gifts). This will be fun - Kelsey and I are planning to prepare a lovely Thanksgiving dinner, complete with all the fixings.

We're heading out to squash now, so I"ll leave you with this nice pic of Kels, blowing up her super fancy air bed (which is essentially two air beds in one and takes up about 90 percent of the floor space in her room).

Ciao bellas.


1 comment:

Office Glen said...

Squash? That's my thing. Copy cat!