Saturday, December 12, 2009

Teen Moms

I know MTV isn't known for having the most educational programming out there, but every now and again you can take a little something away from one show or another.

Today's nugget came from the show Teen Moms. And just what was that nugget? It was this: never have a child!

Okay, that might sound a little harsh, and I probably will have kids one day (breathe out, Mom), but for now, I'm content just taking care of me, the Brodster and the Barkster.

If you've never seen the show, it profiles various teenage mothers (who look as though they range in age from 15 to 18) and their boyfriends/fiancees (who look like they're about 12 years old for the most part). Some of these young ladies have chosen to keep and raise their children, and others have put theirs up for adoption.

Just watching the ones try to deal with their babies on a day-to-day basis stresses me out.

If I had it my way, I would select a child from an assembly line and then be able to put it away when I didn't want to play with it anymore. Unfortunately for me (but fortunately for my future child(ren)), that scenario isn't really accepted "socially".

I know that I'm older than these girls and some of the things they do are definitely highs chool-ish, but they also really do take care of kids (i use the term "take are" loosely). Seeing the little kids squawk and bawk makes me want to do the same thing.

Aah...I wonder if this feeling will pass? I sure hope so!

In the meantime, I'm going to PVR Teen Moms just to keep me on the straight and narrow.


Alexandra said...

Heh. It's different when it's your own. When it's your own, the hair-raising screams and mind-numbing tasks are balanced out by the fact that you love your own child way more than you could ever care for anyone else's.

Miss Money Pants said...

Hmm...I may just take your word on it. That's my greatest fear: that I can't handle the hair-raising screams and mind-numbing tasks. :)

Nick said...

The best kids are other people's. That way you can just enjoy the kid on your own terms, then return it when it gets out hand/loud/smelling like poop.

It's like a short-term lease.

Nick said...

*out of hand.
