Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The internet and me

I am sad to admit the internet could consume me. It could literally open its wide jaws and swallow me whole.

Seriously, I am fascinated with the amount of information in cyberspace. I could head to Google to find a substitute for cornstarch and, two hours later, find myself still staring at the screen, only I'd now be reading Hillary Clinton's thoughts on Obama's new committments to Afghanistan. Or, I'd settle in to update my financial spreadsheets and end up reading about ETFs, RSUs and TSXs for hours on some money management blog.

Maybe it's my quest for learning, or maybe it's my tendency to be easily distracted, I"m not sure. If I really think about it, it's probably more likely related to my lack of social life at present time, but the only thing I know for sure is that my laptop should be deemed off limits for a while.

I have to go back to the time when it was okay to wonder about things. To be uncertain. To fly by the seat of my pants. Actually, now that I think about it, is it even possible to "go back" to flying by the seat of your pants if you've never actually done that before?

Let me see what Google says...


Anonymous said...

This is so true. You don't "wonder" about anything anymore. When we talk about something that we don't know or can't remember, you immediately reach for Google.

I have a challenge for you. Next time you're wondering about something, actually wonder about it for 10 minutes. If you haven't remembered it by then, or you still don't have the answer, Google away.

I doubt you can do it, but before long your brain will go mushy when you can no longer operate a computer from carpal tunnel and osteoperosis.

Nick said...

Funny, when I get distracted on the Interweb, very rarely is it because of financial websites and political discussion.

It's usually one of three things – sports highlights, porn, and funny videos of people getting hurt doing stupid things.

Sometimes all three at once.