Sunday, October 19, 2008

Finally a post

I have been reluctant to post lately since I don't have the best news to report when it comes to the Biggest Loser contest. The time since my birthday hasn't been so hot for me. I haven't figured out if it was my birthday or the giant bag of Tootsie Roll halloween candy I bought three weeks early that has led to my recent demise.

We have another weigh in on Tuesday and I'm once again expecting less than stellar results, but after this week, it's balls to the wall, baby. it okay if I say that?

For your viewing pleasure (and laughter) here are the results from week four:

I also wanted to share the above photo of Brodie and I together on my birthday because we never have photos taken of us together, let alone half decent ones.

And, I will end this post now as Kelsey and I are wrapped up in Game 7 between the Bo' Sox and the Rays.

Memorable quote:

Kelsey (after an intense game of squash): I hate sweating.

Me: Really? I don't mind it.

Kelsey: Ugh. It's disgusting. Your ass cheeks get slippery and when I sweat, I don't want any part of my body to touch any part of my body.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did not say that, you must be thinking of someone else.